April 10: Palm Sunday

Dear families,

Holy Week is here and it’s time to celebrate! Grab a palm leaf (or a palm cross… we have both at worship this week!) and wave it in the air as we learn about the time Jesus rode down the road on a donkey.

What are you hoping for? As we talk about hope all month, it’s only natural that kids will start thinking about their hopes. We pray that with this question and the conversation it sparks that the kids will consider how God can help them while they wait for those hopes to come true. We can trust God no matter what and hope that becomes real for kids this week.

I encourage you to have a conversation with your family this week about this incredible moment recorded in Matthew 21:1-16 and John 12:9-16. God’s people had waited for generations for God to send the Messiah. They were overwhelmed when Jesus made His triumphal entry into Jerusalem. God kept His promise. The mission to save the world was happening. Of course, this didn’t happen exactly how they expected, but God was still working and up to something bigger than they could ever imagine!

Whatever happens, we can remember God is still working. Because God keeps His promises, we can trust Him no matter what. Still, kids will face moments in their life where they might wonder if God will come through for them. They’ll question if what they face is part of God’s plan. We want kids to understand that God is always working and will come through. It might not be as expected, but they can hope God will be with them through their situation.

With love,
Miss Elisa

This week’s preschool episode
Ollie and the wonder clubhouse

  • All month, our preschoolers are learning with Miss Elisa that Jesus wants to be our friend forever.

  • Today's story is all about Palm Sunday (Matthew 21:1-16) and we celebrate our friend and rescuer, Jesus.

  • Practice our preschool memory verse: “I am with you always.” (Matthew 28:20)

This week’s LOWER Elementary Episode
THE 252 Story

  • This month, our elementary kiddos are exploring with Miss Elisa that hope is believing that something good can come out of something bad.

  • Today's story is all about Palm Sunday (John 12:9-16) and that whatever happens, we can remember God is still working.

  • Practice our elementary memory verse: “In this world you will have trouble. But be encouraged! I have won the battle over the world.” (John 16:33b)

This week’s upper Elementary Episode
THE so and so show

  • This month, our elementary kiddos are exploring with Miss Elisa that hope is believing that something good can come out of something bad

  • Today's story is all about Palm Sunday (John 12:9-16) and that whatever happens, we can remember God is still working.

  • John, Brandon, Stephen, and Kellen explore the key question: What are you hoping for?

  • Practice our elementary memory verse: “In this world you will have trouble. But be encouraged! I have won the battle over the world.” (John 16:33b)

Armistead Booker

I’m a visual storyteller, nonprofit champion, moonlighting superhero, proud father, and a great listener.