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Hello families,

It was thrilling to be back together last week, knowing that we will be worshiping in-person each Sunday. If you weren’t able to join us or didn’t feel ready, that is completely ok. We love you and there is so much grace in this time. Everyone will feel differently week to week as we navigate coming back together and keeping each other safe. We will be excited to see you whenever you join us!

Speaking of grace-filled transitions… many of our kids headed back to school this week. Well done kids and well done grown-ups!! It can be easy to forget how intense the back to school transition is, and this year that is true more than ever. 

Remember that big changes can bring up huge feelings for our kids, and they will inevitably have trouble processing all of these emotions. You will likely see big meltdowns, sensitivity to simple things, or maybe even some sleepless moments at night. These are totally normal behaviors!

Go slow, especially in the next few weeks; make lots of space for them to talk and for you to listen. Let snuggles and hugs abound. And when the big feelings come in the form of yelling or tears, let your child fully calm down before talking about it. Do less and rest more. They will get their school legs soon enough, so be patient. 

When we see each other in our church family, let’s commit to remind each other of these truths: you are enough, you are doing great, and God’s power is made perfect in our weakness. We are all covered by His grace. 

With love,
Elisa Booker
Pastor for Children and Families

Armistead Booker

I’m a visual storyteller, nonprofit champion, moonlighting superhero, proud father, and a great listener.