TGC Kids Preview for April

April is a big month in the life of the church family: Palm Sunday, Holy Week, Easter Sunday, and Eastertide. Here’s a preview of the themes, verses, and ideas you will explore and discuss in your home. Invite your child to watch Miss Danielle and Miss Elisa with you!

Preschool — the Mighty Oaks

Our preschool classes (all children 12 months old through preschoolers) are learning that Jesus is alive!

Memory Verse

Miss Danielle shares our memory verse. Follow along with the hand motions: “I am alive” (point both hands up) “for ever and ever!” (twirl around), ”Revelation 1:18” (open your hands like a book).

Curriculum Preview

Explore the ideas behind the weekly activities and stories told in our theme for April, "Bloom,” including the Palm Sunday celebration with palm branches, Jesus’ resurrection from the dead, the life-changing truth that He is alive, the disciples eating breakfast with Jesus, and His command that we should “go and tell” everyone that He wants to be their friend forever.

Elementary — The Adventurers

Our elementary classes (all children Kindergarten through 5th Grade) are learning that Jesus changes everything.

Memory Verse

Miss Elisa shares a challenge for our memory verse this month from Philippians 2:3... “Don't do anything only to get ahead. Don't do it because you are proud. Instead, be humble. Value others more than yourselves.” Check it out!

Curriculum Preview

We live in a “me” centered world, where people act as if the world revolves around them. Figuring out how to be humble can be difficult. But we don’t have to figure this out on our own. When Jesus was on earth, He gave us the ultimate example of humility. Jesus is God, and He put that aside for us. Through His life and death, He also showed us how to serve others and put them first.

Armistead Booker

I’m a visual storyteller, nonprofit champion, moonlighting superhero, proud father, and a great listener.