Finding Freedom

Since March (which seems like one million years ago), our goal as a children's ministry has been to create a digital worship experience for your family. It has been super fun thinking about your kids as we have designed each week. As this home church season continues we will not stop doing that.

However, we also want to grow as a resource to give you confidence to continue the conversations we start during our worship time in your discipleship at home. This is where the best stuff is. I know you are like: “wait more remote learning?” 

That is why our second goal is to be super “how” oriented. How do we live this life God is asking us to live? How do we practice the way of Jesus as kids? How can it help us in this masked-up socially distant world?

Living in God’s design is for His glory, but equally for our flourishing. We are confident if we roll up our sleeves and get into His way, we will see so much beauty in this time... and always.

We want to your child to know that their relationship with the Lord is not just something they inherit. Instead they have a fully formed relationship of their own. And in this way of life Jesus shows how to connect our whole self: body, mind, heart. Jesus cares about all the parts of us and when you take time to connect your whole self together, you can flourish in your identity in Him. 

Explore our articles, videos, and podcasts below.

our “Finding Freedom” Series


Part One: Philippians and the Brain

Elisa Booker talks about living with anxiety, moving into freedom, living with integrity, and how to embrace your feelings. Read more »

Part Two: How the Brain Works

Explore the “hand model of the brain” and learn some new techniques for how to access the peace of God both in your life and for your child. Read more »

Video: Finding Freedom

Elisa Booker talks candidly about why it’s so helpful to understand how God made your brain with a full range of emotions and gave us tools to guide our kids. Watch now »

Further Resources

VIDEO: Citizens of Heaven and Strangers on Earth / Caleb Clardy, lead pastor of Trinity Grace Church, teaches from Philippians 3:7-21 on November 1, 2020.

VIDEO: Blessed are the Peacemakers / Cory Morgan, lead pastor of Reconcile Brooklyn, teaches from Matthew 5:9 on October 25, 2020.

SITE: Dr. Daniel J. Siegel / You can find out more about Dr. Siegel, his books, and courses through his website and The Mindsight Institute. The brain is a wild and amazing gift; it’s so exciting to learn more about it. 

PODCAST: Unlocking Us / Brené Brown’s writing have been such a gift to so many. Her new podcast inspires you to ask good questions, listen intently, and be vulnerable with yourself and others. Her interviews are such a joy. 

PODCAST: Exploring My Strange Bible / Dr. Tim Mackie is the co-founder of the Bible Project, and former pastor of Door of Hope in Portland. His Series on Matthew comes highly recommended as a way to uncover bad theology that might be clinging in your heart and move into freedom with Jesus. 

PODCAST: The Place We Find Ourselves / Adam Young, LCSW MDiv, hosts a podcast on telling your story and healing from the shame of your past. It’s an immensely powerful step into a healing journey and we hope you might find the same. 

AUDIO: Parent Well Conference / Trinity Grace started this annual conference in February 2019, but it was cancelled this year due to the pandemic. You are invited to explore last year’s audio recordings for free! Use this discount code: LEADER.

Armistead Booker

I’m a visual storyteller, nonprofit champion, moonlighting superhero, proud father, and a great listener.