Mother's Day Blessing 2021

Hey moms, we bet you didn’t think so, but we really do know how much you do for us kids and we are so so thankful. 

We are so thankful that you never mind all the sticks in the bottom of the stroller, because you just never know when we need a stick.

It’s so awesome that you will give us a new banana when our banana breaks, because you just know we just can’t eat a broken banana. 

We don’t know how you do it, but you always have more bubbles for us because somehow bubbles just never seem to stay in the bottle.

Thanks for reading the books we want to read to make sure there aren’t parts that are too scary for us. 

Thanks for hanging up our pictures for everyone to see and for putting our Lego creations on display! It makes us feel so special.

Oh, and for trading ice cream flavors with us when we realize we really wanted chocolate instead of vanilla. 

Thank you for holding all the bottle caps and rocks and sidewalk treasures that we find and putting them in your pocket so that we can add them to our collection.

Thanks for packing surprise treats in our lunch boxes and for the nights we make pancakes for dinner! 

Thanks for loving our music so much you never seem to mind when the same song is on repeat 82 times. 

Thanks mom you really are the best.

Lord bless each mother in moments where the sweet sound of “Mommy” reminds us what gifts we have in our children and how your image is reflected in their beautiful faces. And Lord go before her into the moments where the the 47th “mom” finds her loosing her temper.

Bless the walks to school, in the chatty moments and the silent ones. Let your love flow between mother and child. Lord, go before each mom in the times she waits with an anxious heart by the door for her child to come home.

Bless the dinner table discussions where her child shares about the highs and lows of the day and Your comfort and joy abounds. Then go before her when she might miss the broken heart or overlook the feelings that need tending.

Bless the moments where she feels like she can answer any question brought her way. And go before her into the many times where she will have no idea what to say. 

Bless the moments where she feels like “Mom of the Year.” And go before her into the moments when she feels like she blew it. 

Bless the woman who holds the dreams of babies in her heart, or who knows that you hold her babies in heaven. Go before this woman on the days where the pain of dreams unrealized feel too heavy to carry anymore. 

Bless all of our relationships with our mothers, both young and old, as we seek to glean from their wisdom and accept the gifts passed down from generation to generation. 

Lord, go into the broken places and tend to the wounds that need healing. Where there is imperfect parenting, Lord, remind us that you are our perfect parent. 

Bless the works of every woman here today. Bless her hands and the intentions of her heart. May she always know you are behind, beside, and before her and her little one. 

Bless these women. 

Armistead Booker

I’m a visual storyteller, nonprofit champion, moonlighting superhero, proud father, and a great listener.