Current Service Opportunities

Below you will find some opportunities to love and serve our neighbors across the city who are deeply affected by the current crisis. There are so many worthy efforts going on so we encourage people to engage the needs you see around you or are passionate about as well but these are some good places to start.

Good Neighboring

Really the best place we can start is with the people right outside the doors of our homes. Jesus taught that all the law and the prophets hung on the simple call to love the Lord our God and to love our neighbor as ourselves. So here are some ideas for how to love your neighbor:

  1. Post a note like this (customize as you see fit) near the mailboxes in your building or in your neighbors’ door frames:

    Dear neighbor, I am / we are thinking about you during this difficult time. I / we would love to support you in any way I / we can. If you need help with groceries, picking up prescriptions, need a meal, baby items, prayer, or just someone to talk with, please feel free to reach out! [Your name]

  2. Make a point to talk to your neighbors (at a safe social distance) when you see them to really learn how they are doing.

  3. Set up a little pantry in your building and fill it with toilet paper and non-perishables.

  4. Write encouraging messages on the sidewalk with chalk.

roots cafe Food Pantry

Our friends at Roots Cafe have set up a food pantry to offer provisions to those in need during this time. You can get involved by donating food, volunteering to help with the pantry, or contributing to the GoFundMe they set up. If you have questions about how you can help, please contact Patricia.

Friends of the Elderly

Little Brothers | Friends of the Elderly is providing weekly deliveries of groceries to the elderly homebound and those sick with COVID-19 in Central Brooklyn. They are looking for drivers to help make these deliveries to the doorstep of our most vulnerable neighbors on Mondays from 10:30-noon. There is also an Easter bag drop off outreach on Saturday, April 11 which includes phone calls to check in. Contact Jerome to get involved.

mother to mother

Our friends at Mother to Mother have been helping provide financial assistance for basic needs to families in our community many of whom do not have access to much of the social safety net because of their immigration status. You can support this effort by giving to the Mother to Mother fund on our giving page.

Restore NYC

Restore NYC has set up a COVID-19 Relief and Stabilization Fund to assist survivors of sex trafficking with the impact of school closures and loss of income. Many of their clients are not eligible for other types of relief and are at risk of being trafficked again.

Face Mask Aid NYC

A collective of fashion industry volunteers is banding together to sew washable and reusable face masks for essential workers helping all of us on the frontline during the COVID-19 pandemic. You can support their efforts.

Donate Blood

The Red Cross is facing a blood shortage since drives had to be called off. If you are healthy and able, consider making an appointment to donate.


Contact us and we’ll do our best to help connect you with answers.

Armistead Booker

I’m a visual storyteller, nonprofit champion, moonlighting superhero, proud father, and a great listener.