Advent Week Two: Bruised Reeds and Smoldering Wicks

Introduction and Ice Breaker

  • Poll: favorite holiday movies?

    1. Elf 

    2. Miracle on 34th street 

    3. Home alone

    4. It’s a wonderful life

    5. Nightmare before Christmas

Themes to Consider

Advent - examining the space in between, time between our bruised heels and the serpents crushed head.


THE KING (1-39)

THE SERVANT  (40-55)


Ministry of Jesus: 






COMPASSIONATE - to open the eyes of the blind 

- to free the captives

- to release the prisoners


but it is ISRAEL’s ministry and it has become OUR MINISTRY 

Advent is a time to let us be in the place with those longing for something they do not yet see

Discussion Questions

  1. How do you do with the in between, celebrating and longing for peace that may not yet be fully here? 

  2. Caleb mentIons Ephesians 2 - “he himself is our peace” as he has brought barriers down and joined together again.  Where have you seen evidence of reconciliation coming because Christ is formed in you? 

  3. Where are there still areas of division and hostility in your life in which you are longing for him to be your peace?

Guided Prayer

Father, I want to live a life of obedience to You. Make me an instrument of Your peace. Teach me to love even my enemies. Give me the strength to wage peace when what I really want to do is wage war. Today, I choose to surrender my stubborn will to You. I lay down my emotional weapons and choose peace. Be glorified in my relationships, Father. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Supplemental Content

Peace is not the state of being we return to like water running downhill wherever’s there’s nothing external to perturb us. Peace between people is an achievement, a state of affairs we put together effortfully in the face of competing interests, and primate dominance, and our evolved tendency to cease our sympathy at the boundaries of our tribe. Peace within is made difficult to say the least by the way that we tend to have actual, emotional life going on… Peace is not the norm, Peace is rare. And where we do manage to institutionalize it in a human society, its because we have been intelligently pessimistic about human proclivities and found a way to work with the grain of them in a system of intense mutual suspicion like the US constitution, a document which assumes that absolutely everybody will be corrupt and power-hungry given half a chance. As for the inner version, I’m not at peace all that often, and I doubt you are either. —Francis Spufford

Jesus takes up these very words… He is our longing and our hope - He has become our peace. But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near by the blood of Christ. For he himself is our peace, who has made the two groups one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility.

Armistead Booker

I’m a visual storyteller, nonprofit champion, moonlighting superhero, proud father, and a great listener.