How to Use This Guide


Each week during our Advent series, The Time Between, the TGC staff is preparing a variety of resources, questions, and practice suggestions around the passage for that week. Feel free to use what you like and leave the rest.

This Week’s Reading / Take time to read and meditate on the weekly passage from the New Testament. Whether first thing in the morning, on your daily neighborhood walk, or in your virtual life group, the readings are concise and worth reading more than once.

Themes to Consider / We have pulled out some of the themes that show up in the passage and that will be referenced in one way or another in the Sunday sermon series.

Discussion Questions / Using those themes as a starting place, explore the discussion questions that are meant to spark conversation in a group setting. You may use a few or all of them as is helpful.

Spiritual Practices / We are seeking to join together as a church to practice Sabbath and Compassion during this entire series. Some weeks, we will also include additional weekly practice suggestions based on the themes of the passage that you and your group might find helpful to move our reflection into action.

Recommended Resources / At times, we may offer supplemental resources that you might find helpful as they relate to the themes of the passage, including podcasts, excerpts from books, commentaries, and videos to enrich your experience in this series.

Armistead Booker

I’m a visual storyteller, nonprofit champion, moonlighting superhero, proud father, and a great listener.