May 31—June 28, 2020

We celebrate Pentecost as a moveable feast. The day may change depending on the year, where we are as a church family may change, the needs and challenges in our city and world may change but we still cry with hope COME HOLY SPIRIT! This year, we are looking at how Pentecost and the moveable feast of the newly formed church inspires and anchors our vision to live as a people of PRESENCE, FORMATION, and LOVE.


a people of presence, formation, and love

We are deeply encouraging everyone who is a part of our church family to use this series and this summer to grow with us in seeking God’s presence, being formed in the way of Jesus, and living lives of love in action. Our call is not to simple agreement but to a life of shared practices around these crucial aspects of our life and vision.


opportunities to join in

We are challenging ourselves to find some way to seek God’s presence everyday, to practice the way of Jesus, and to show love. We are not doing this alone and we want to support each other as we go. Here are some ways to get started:


Explore the series

Caleb Clardy and David Louw teach from the New Testament during Pentecost 2020 in our series “Moveable Feast: A Pentecost Vision for Life.” Watch the sermon videos during our live broadcast, watch past services on-demand, or subscribe to our weekly audio podcast.

Explore the groups Guide

If you are a group leader, or want to get a preview of the weekly content, you can browse this guide. Please note: this content is designed to be fully explored in the context of your group.

Questions? We’re Here to Help

Our deacons and pastoral staff are ready to answer your questions and help connect you to our community. No question is too small or too big. We look forward to hearing from you.